Thank you for posting this insightful Essay. As a Scandinavian, I can attest to the fact that we absolutely have deeply ingrained normes with regards to gender roles and career expectations. Occupations like nursing are considered feminine, and there is definite stigma associated with being a male nurse. Besides, any guy opting for a nursing career would have to be cool with a work environment overwhelmingly female. Most guys would prefere to have some male colleages, as we generally find it easier to bond with other guys. We also face stronger expectations to do well fincancially than women. Ditto for women in occupations like construction. You would likely be working exclusively with male colleagues. Unless that is something you are cool with, these career paths are blocked for you.
The claim that, in the absense of discriminatory laws, any remaining differences must neccesarily be due to biology, is at best intellectually sloppy, at worst alt-right sophistry.
Edit: For those who may be interested, I just published an essay outlining my own thoughts about Dr. Peterson